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Here you'll find resources to help share the word of Teacher Cycling Community, help to set up events at your place of work for your staff or students and ways to reduce barriers to engaging with cycling.

Head to the members forums to get access to these
Keep up to date with the most recent news and upcoming events by downloading our latest edition
Build your knowledge of the bike, how to maintain it and look after it via our forums
Find resources to help others at your school get on their bikes

Commuting resources

Find resources, hints and tips about how to commute all year round.
Build up your fitness for your commutes, for an event or to just see how fast/far you can go.
Teacher CC Aims Poster

"Join Us" poster

This is a mini-poster to share via email or pin up on your staff notice board. Save the image to the left and add it to your weekly well-being email!

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